What the Truffle? Hunting for Black Gold!
Truffles are a kind of fungus that grow under the ground. They're among the most valuable foodstuffs in the world. While French and Italian truffles are famous, English truffles are less well known but still prized for their culinary value. In the 19th and early 20th centuries England had a moderately thriving truffle industry. To reproduce, truffles rely on being dug up and eaten by animals and then spread in their dung. Their aroma attracts such animals and also appeals to gourmets. This aroma has been used by truffle hunters with pigs to locate this buried treasure. Today, it is trained dogs that have largely replaced pigs. On the continent and in other countries truffles are big business.
What is the difference between White and Black Truffles?
White truffles are smooth with a slight yellow tinge. They're the more pungent of the two, with a heady musk aroma and a garlicky flavour. Both the taste and smell of white truffles can easily overwhelm a dish, so they're usually microplaned sparingly over pasta or used as a garnish. Black truffles have a rough, rigid exterior, similar to tree bark. Their flavour is more subtle than white truffles, accompanied by an earthy aroma. The taste is similar to the aroma, with some slight nutty notes. Black truffles typically blend a little better into sauces.
What should I drink with my Truffley things?
With Black Truffle, Champagne darlings! New World Chardonnay or Viognier is also a real winner. Try a full flavoured lighter bodied red wine, maybe a Sangiovese, Grenache, or a new world Pinot Noir. Here at Whitmore and White we have all kinds of Truffley treats to keep the most avid Truffle hound happy - from truffle oil and truffles themselves to truffle crisps and truffle cheese, we have you truffley covered!
Whitmore & White Frodsham