Why did the ghost go into the bar?
Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, dressing up and making food look like it's straight out of a spooky cauldron. The USA definitely love celebrating Halloween and pull out all the stops; thankfully we're not in that league ... yet! Just to put this into context, 25% of all candy sales in the USA is bought at Halloween every year!
Sadly, we can't solve your trick-or-treating problems or sort you out with the latest Dracula costume, but we can help you when it comes to creepy food for the children.
Evil Eyeball Pasta
I imagine there's a small window inbetween the children coming home from school and wanting to start their mission of extracting as many sweets as possible from friends and neighbours. So if time is of the essence, why not try this quick, tasty and eerie pasta dish.
You'll need these four ingredients, all found under our roof.
Jar of Pelagonia Cherry Peppers with Ricotta
Packet of our Morelli Garlic and Basil Linguine
Half a bottle of our Passata Mutti di Pomodoro
4 tbsp Villa Realle Pesto Siciliano
Easy-peasy instructions:
Cook the linguine in a large saucepan
Meanwhile heat the passata gently
When the linguine is cooked, drain the water and stir in the pesto
Mix the linguine and passata together and place in four bowls
Add the cherry peppers with the ricotta filling facing up to look like eyeballs
Hauntingly Good Chocolate
You won't be able to miss the friendly ghost and pumpkin head chocolate lollipops for sale when you pop in, they're hanging out near the till. The Belgium chocolate from Belfine is so good, you might want them for yourselves and hide them from the little ones! We promise not to tell.
So Why Did The Ghost Go Into The Bar? For the boos. Sorry!