Imagine the Possibilities
As we're a helpful bunch here at Whitmore & White we'd like to share with you answers to the most asked questions about our favourite drink - the G&T. ImaGINe the possibilities!
1. What glass should I use for a gin and tonic?
Whitmore & White's gin gurus suggest a balloon glass, sometimes referred to as a Copa de Balon glass. Its balloon shape makes it a perfect glass for drinking G&T. Being bulbous in shape, it traps the aromas and intensifies the taste. The amount of ice and garnishes you can add to make the perfect gin and tonic beats the tall glass hands down. Now here's the clever bit ... the round shape of the glass stops ice from melting quickly so keeps your drink colder for longer without dilution.
2. Do you put lemon or lime in a gin and tonic?
Doing the research for this blog, I stumbled upon a guy with a career we will all be jealous of; Stuart Bale is a drink specialist and has been commissioned by Gin Mare to analyse the science of the ideal G&T. He sits strongly in the lemon camp when it comes to the lemon and lime dilemma as most gins have lemon peel in the mix. We agree with Mr Bale when he says that a gin and tonic tastes best with a garnish that contrasts the botanicals, rather than one which mirrors them exactly.
3. What can I use besides tonic?
We still recommend a good quality tonic water such as 1724, Fever Tree, East Imperial and Walter Gregors. But, if you want to divert from the usual, then try sparkling Qcumber spring water to quench the thirst, mint lemonade for a mojito or perhaps the Mediterranean Fever Tree to take you back to last year's summer holiday.
4. What is the perfect ratio?
Our experts recommend this ratio of gin to tonic - 1 part gin to 3 parts tonic water.
So, our question to you is 'do you love a drink in the comfort of your own home or do you prefer to have your perfect G&T made for you'? No matter what your answer, we can help you indulge in the craze.
G&T Chez Nous
We're gin stockists in Cheshire and the Wirral with a great selection from all over the world - including our very own Whitmore & White Twin Rivers Gin. Pop in to one of our shops in Heswall, Frodsham or West Kirby to feast your eyes on the wide range of gins. With a selection of tonic waters too, you will leave with everything you need to become a mixologist. We also have miniature gin bottles if you don't want to commit to just one full size bottle.
Let The Evening BeGIN With Whitmore & White
Or relax in either our Frodsham or West Kirby shop for a true North West gin tasting experience. Our mixologists will craft your perfect drink depending on your unique taste.
Cheers from everyone at Whitmore & White